My Top 13(ish) Favorite Specific Carbohydrate Diet Friendly Products


If you’re starting the Specific Carbohydrate Diet I know how mushy your brain can feel. It’s one big mush of “what can I eat?” “can I eat this?” “wait… is this legal?” “so, I can have certain artichokes, but not others???” “WILL I EVER BE ABLE TO EAT ANYTHING EVER AGAIN????????”

specific carbohydrate diet

Yeah… been there done that, but after almost two years of following The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (mostly all the way – I’ve reintroduced a couple of things which you can read about here), I feel a lot more comfortable. My brain is no longer mush which feels really, really good.

One of the things that helped me the most was finding any and all Specific Carbohydrate Diet friendly pre-packaged foods and snacks. My meal prepping was taking 6+ hours and some weekends I simply didn’t have that much time. Although I like focusing mainly on whole foods (fruits, veggies and protein sources), having some easy, grab-and-go options helps me stay sane and feel a little more “normal.”

I already curated a list of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet friendly products from Thrive Market, which you can read about here, but I wanted to curate a list of ALL of my go-to Specific Carbohydrate Diet products to help you guys out!

Even with these on hand, being on The Specific Carbohydrate Diet will take time, effort and creativity – but think of it as a FUN challenge, rather than a burden. Once I switched my mindset from a place of victimization, to a place of creativity and excitement, the game changed. 

specific carbohydrate diet

I decided to see The Specific Carbohydrate Diet as a new challenge – a fun challenge – and a challenge I was thankful for. This challenge meant I was taking steps to feeling better and propelling myself forward on my healing journey.

The Specific Carbohydrate Diet isn’t easy, but you’re already such a fighter, so I know you can do this. I promise. Xx