GUEST POST: Finding Food Freedom While Honoring Medical Restrictions

intuitive eating

(guest post written by Sloane Elizabeth <3)

intuitive eating

One of the biggest myths I hear about food freedom and intuitive eating as a food freedom coach is that you can’t have it or do it if you have food allergies/sensitivities/restrictions. Well my friend, this is totally false! And I’m going to tell you why.

Food freedom means feeling empowered and free in your decisions about food. This empowerment comes from a deep sense of trust, love, and cooperation with your body. Contrary to popular belief, food freedom does NOT mean eating french fries and ice cream for every meal. It also doesn’t mean that you have to prove this freedom to anyone by showing the world that you have no anxiety about eating a brownie. In fact, food freedom at its core isn’t really about food at all. It’s about peace, trust, and surrender.

Personally, I used to think that I couldn’t care about my health if I wanted food freedom. I thought that prioritizing whole, nutrient dense foods was a sign of disordered eating. I thought that I would only be totally free once I proved that I could eat cheese pizza without fear or guilt or anxiety...even though I’m lactose and gluten intolerant.

I thought that I was still falling into restrictive habits when I intuitively wanted a paleo chocolate chip cookie instead of an Oreo, even though I do love both!

food freedom

I thought that I wasn’t at 100% food freedom when I was craving a side salad instead of a plate of french fries, even though I know that eating veggies daily is pretty essential for my overall holistic well being and mood. Note: eating chocolate daily is also an essential part of my lifestyle!

What I thought was that food freedom looked one way: freely eating cookies and pizza and fries and pasta. What I realized was that food freedom is a mindset, not a menu.

Let’s break this down...

If your body legitimately isn’t equipped to properly handle certain foods, does that mean that you can never have food freedom?? Heck no! It means that you can empower yourself to choose a version of the pizza that will make you feel good and satisfy your craving.

Similarly, let’s say you intuitively are craving an omelette, but you’re allergic to eggs. Does that mean you can’t eat intuitively? NOPE! It means that you can find strength and peace in finding an option (maybe a tofu scramble?) that will make you feel good and satisfy your craving.

Food freedom and eating with love and intuition are much more about the mindset that you have around food and less about the actual food that you’re choosing to eat.

If you have necessary medical restrictions around food, then eating those items might cause pain, discomfort, or an allergic reaction in your body. Choosing to eat it anyway probably isn’t the most loving thing that you can do for your body. Even if you’re craving that food, the truth is that cravings shouldn’t always be followed to a tee! When you have certain medical restrictions, you might not be able to 100% rely on your body’s cues. Instead, pool the wisdom from your body, brain, and soul in order to make the most aligned choices possible. THAT is eating intuitively!

food freedom

Ultimately, the way in which you think about and label your “off limits” foods really matters. If you tell yourself that gluten is a “restricted” food, your brain and body will feel restricted. Restrictions always lead to feelings of being out of control, which always lead to spiraling. If you feel like you’re spiraling, there’s a good chance you might go overboard or binge on that restricted food and then end up in a heap of guilt, regret, and potentially pain. If instead you tell yourself that you’re prioritizing other options (like rice, quino, and gluten-free products) that make you feel good, your brain and body will feel empowered and in control. This is about focusing on the abundance of options you DO have instead of dwelling on your perceived lack of access to foods with gluten. When you make this shift, you’ll be able to confidently choose gluten free grains that will leave you feeling happy and satisfied, and you can leave the stomach aches behind!

Choosing fear and lack means choosing restriction.

Choosing love and abundance means choosing freedom.

When working on your food freedom journey alongside allergies/intolerances/restrictions, focus on what you CAN eat and thrive on. Focus on the abundance of choices you DO have. Focus on your gratitude for having the resources to go and buy those foods. Focus on trusting that your body will tell you exactly what it needs and give you cues when you’re a bit off.

Leave the fear, confusion, frustration, and control behind, and step confidently into your personal freedom. 

Ultimately, your food freedom will look different from everyone else’s relationship with food. This is a completely personalized journey and relationship - one that everyone deserves! As you’re navigating this space, look for ways to incorporate fun and exploration as you discover new ways to satisfy your cravings with creative alternatives. Allow curiosity and love to lead the way, and practice taking small and sustainable baby steps every day.

Still feel like you can’t stop thinking about food and controlling all of your meals and ingredients? I got you girl! It’s a process! That’s why I want to give you this gift: a step-by-step guide on Eating with Love & Intuition to Stop Obsessively Thinking About Food. Download it now, and let me know what you think! See you on Instagram