35 things I wish I could tell my newly diagnosed self


During the May 2021 PTEA (path to empowered acceptance - my group chronic illness mindset coaching program + community) alumni call, I had everyone write down a list of what they wish they could tell their newly diagnosed or newly sick selves. 

During those alumni calls I started writing down so many of the things the other folks were saying because the nuggets of wisdom were just too dang good. 

So whether you’re newly diagnosed, newly sick, or have been diagnosed for years, these reminders are definitely reminders worth noting:

  1. This journey will bring you your best friends

  2. Lean into the changes that come with your illness - you grow so  much from them even when they feel scary.

  3. Slowing down is SO amazing - don’t get caught up in the toxic hustle culture. 

  4. Rest is productive.

  5. Your worth is not defined by your productivity levels.

  6. Focus on your mindset and mental health just as much as you focus on your physical health.

  7. Look up gaslighting and don’t allow friends, doctors, or partners put you through it.

  8. You WILL still feel joy and find joy in life, even when life feels hard and your body hurts.

  9. The straight and narrow path everyone else seems to be taking isn’t going to work for your body and that is so okay.

  10. Be grateful for how hard your body works for you. You and your body are a team.

  11. You’re allowed to fire your doctors.

  12. It’s not your job to keep people comfy around your illness.

  13. It’s also not your job to teach others, especially if they are not willing to learn on their own.

  14. Your illness is not your fault.

  15. It’s okay to be different from others your age.

  16. The medication FAILED YOU, you did not fail it.

  17. Don’t gaslight yourself.

  18. Learn  to say “no,’ but i t’s also okay to say “yes” to your soul over your body as long as you are kind to yourself afterwards.

  19. You don’t need to “be healed” to start your life.

  20. You ARE worthy of love.

  21. It’s okay not to be perfect.

  22. Exercise isn’t the end all be all -  your body is so much happier with more rest and more sleep

  23. You’ll lose some friends but you’ll gain the best friends you’ve ever had. 

  24. Dating with chronic illness may seem daunting, but simply be confident in sharing about your illness.

  25. Stay present.

  26. You don’t owe anyone an explanation.

  27. The greatest lesson you’ll learn is how to listen to and honor your body.

  28. Uncomfy emotions aren’t inherently bad.

  29. You don’t have to have everything figured out - nobody does.

  30. You don’t need to feel guilty for enjoying rest.

  31. You don’t need to earn rest.

  32. You are never alone.

  33. Always ask for the accommodations.

  34. If someone judges you because of your illness(es), that’s a reflection on THEM and not you.

  35. Let your illness higher your standards for romantic partners and friends.