What is Manuka Honey + 5 Ways To Use It In Your Gut Health Routine

manuka honey

Please note that this post is sponsored by Pacific Resources International (PRI), but all opinions are honest and true. Also, please note that I am not a licensed doctor or dietician (I am a certified health coach) and this information should not replace that of a professional. All of the following information was learned through education and documentation provided by PRI themselves.

I’m a firm believer that Western medicine and holistic practices can coexist in any healing journey.

Ever since I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2017, I have truly believed that finding the right balance of Western medicine + medication and holistic measures that works for YOU is what matters most.

manuka honey

Although I have always had to rely on medication in part to keep my ulcerative colitis at bay, I have also always had a docket of holistic practices that I prioritize daily – from getting enough sleep to taking turmeric pills twice a day to lowering my stress to drinking daily wheatgrass shots to having daily Manuka Honey – there are a lot of small pieces that create a larger puzzle of healing for me.

Without medication I risk going into a flare, but without these lifestyle elements I also risk going into a flare. Both are equally important to me and my wellbeing and I feel aligned with the way I honor my body and my chronic illness.

Why focus on these holistic measures when I take medication? Because these lifestyle practices give me a sense of control over the disease that, many times, feels like is controlling me. I didn’t get to choose to get ulcerative colitis or not, but I can choose every day how I treat my body – from the food I eat, the supplements I take, the decisions I make, the sleep I get, the exercise I do – it all adds up to keep me healthy and happy.

Incorporating Manuka Honey into my daily routine is a newer add-in and I’m so excited about this new practice and cannot wait to dive more into discussing it!

What Is Manuka Honey and Why Is It More Powerful Than Other Honeys? 

Hang tight while I get into the science for a minute (because it’s important to know WHY Manuka honey is so powerful). I’m sure many of you have heard of Manuka honey, and know that it’s good for you because someone on Instagram told you, but do you actually know why? So although I’m just another gal on the internet telling you that Manuka honey IS indeed good for you, I want to give you real information because knowledge is power! First off, Manuka honey is a type of honey from New Zealand, produced from the Manuka Tree.

All raw honey contains two antibacterial actions – hydrogen peroxide and osmotic pressure (the concentration of sugar to water is very high which means it will literally suck water out of bacteria and other organisms). The thing is, Hydrogen Peroxide would be dangerous to the human body if left unchecked which is why our bodies DO have a way of checking it; it uses an enzyme called Catalase which eliminates Hydrogen Peroxide by converting it to water and oxygen. This means the antibacterial effects of “regular” (non-Manuka) honey has a short lifespan when ingested or applied topically.

Manuka honey, on the other hand, has an extra antibacterial factor, methylglyoxal, that other raw honeys do not. This antibacterial force isn’t deactivated by the human body’s natural defenses, so the positive impacts are much more long-lasting.

What to Look For When Buying Manuka Honey:

manuka honey

Not all Manuka honeys are created equal. There are four “measurements” you should be aware of: MG (methylglyoxal), DHA (Dihydroxyacetone), HMF (Hydroxymethylfurfural), and leptosperin. DHA is a precursor chemical of MGO that is found in the nectar of Manuka in New Zealand and overtime will convert to MGO. The conversion process is maintained by keeping the temperate of the honey at around 22 degrees Celsius (~71 degrees Fahrenheit). This process takes between 3 to 4 years to complete. The higher the DHA, the higher the resulting MG. Leptosperin is a marker for determining the authenticity of Manuka honey.

HMF, on the other hand, isn’t something you want to be at a high level in your Manuka honey. This is a compound that develops when high heat is used on the honey to speed up the DHA à MG process.

DHA should be about double the MG) (the higher the MGO) level, the more health benefits that honey will have); HMG should be less than 80 (preferably less than 40).

Why Choose Pacific Resources International (PRI)?

Like I said – not all Manuka Honey is created equal! That’s why I love using Pacific Resources International’s Manuka. PRI’s Manuka Honey is sourced 100% from New Zealand and their beekeepers support GloryBee’s SAVE the BEE initiative to help preserve and promote sustainability in the honey industry. Ya’ll know I’m big into sustainability, so knowing PRI focuses on sustainable beekeeping practices makes my heart so happy!

PRI is also very TRANSPARENT, which I always admire in a company. On each bottle you will see a number: 5+, 10+, 15+, or 20+. These numbers indicate the relative concentrations of MGO within each bottle of Manuka. PRI also lists the minimum MGO on the side of the jar. Like I mentioned earlier – the higher the MGO, the more health benefits can be reaped from that honey. You can also request a Certificate of Analysis for any bottle you purchase!

I currently go between using the 5+ and the 20+ Manuka Honeys – as I’ll discuss below in further detail, I take a couple of straight teaspoons daily, as well as use it in teas, homemade lattes and in baked goodies. I also am OBSESSED with their Manuka honey chocolates – both the peppermint chocolate and the ginger chocolates are incredible, and I have one after almost every single meal!! If you were a lover of Junior Mints or Peppermint York Patties growing up… you’ll especially love the mint ones! The ginger ones also help sooth my stomach when it’s upset after a meal, so I keep a couple on hand at all times.

Uses and Importance for Digestive Issues:

Now to the part you’ve all been most curious about! What the heck can Manuka Honey do for me!? First off - how much should you be “taking” - it is recommended to take 1 tsp 10-15 minutes before eating a meal as a great prebiotic source!

Manuka Honey can help with many different health issues such as:

  • Soothing burns and other wounds when used topically: The honey helps create a good environment for skin repair, and its antibacterial properties also supports healing.

  • Creating healthy skin: Manuka Honey can be used in face masks and washes, which can help the skin feel smooth and hydrated. The antibacterial properties may also help reduce acne.

  • Reducing Sore Throats: Manuka Honey coats the throat, giving you relief, and also fights the bacteria causing the sore throat in the first place.

But most importantly for me and this community… Manuka Honey support gut health!!! This was newer information to me and it’s why I started taking daily teaspoons of Manuka Honey a few weeks ago. Some of the ways Manuka Honey support gut health include:

manuka honey
  • Manuka Honey may act as a prebiotic: Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that have positive effects on the gastrointestinal tract. They stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (good bacteria!) populations in the colon (read more in this article).

  • Manuka Honey may fight bacteria such as H. pylori and C. diff (read more in this study).

  • Manuka Honey may positively impact IBS and IBD: Studies have shown taking Manuka Honey may help relieve symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain and irregular bowel movements. Manuka Honey is also shown to reduce inflammation, which can help with IBD. You can read this article to learn more about a study done on rats that may link Manuka Honey and IBD.

  • Manuka Honey may prevent stomach ulcers: The above-mentioned bacteria – H. pylori – is responsible for a lot of gastric ulcers, so Manuka Honey fighting against this bacteria may prevent or lessen stomach ulcers (read more here).

5 Easy Ways to Include Manuka Honey in Your Daily Gut-Health Routine:

  •  Eat it as-is: This is the easiest way to incorporate Manuka into your daily routine! I eat about 1-2 teaspoons of Manuka Honey each day, straight from the jar.

  • Drizzle on oatmeal, toast and other foods: Manuka Honey is the perfect topping or add-in for most snacks or meals! From oatmeal, to banana toast, to adding it in dressings for salads or energy balls for a quick snack – Manuka Honey is a perfect addition to most meals.

  • Use in smoothies: I love adding an extra boost of sweetness to my smoothies by adding 1-2 teaspoons of Manuka Honey to it. My favorite smoothie combo is ½ frozen banana + ½ cup frozen cherries + ½ cup frozen cauliflower rice + 2 tsp Manuka Honey + 1 cup spinach + 1 Tbsp raw cacao powder + 2 scoops collagen.

  • Use it in drinks: I love mixing Manuka Honey in my tea, homemade chai lattes or homemade hot chocolate. It gives it the perfect touch of sweetness! Note that Manuka Honey is not heat tolerant, so the health benefits may not be as potent when mixed in hot drinks (but it sure does still taste good!).

  • Have the Manuka Honey chocolates as a pre-meal sweet treat: These chocolate are an easy on the go way to get your teaspoon of Manuka honey in before a meal! The chocolate is just a bonus. ;) The peppermint and ginger help soothe my stomach as well!

 It can be overwhelming to weigh all of the different holistic approaches out there to help with your IBD and other gut health issues, but I truly believe they’re all so worth a shot.

As I tell so many of my friends with IBD, my Instagram community and my clients – the only way IBD will “win” is by ignoring your diagnosis and not taking any steps to heal. Xx