7 Tips To Help You Navigate the Pre-Diagnosis Phase

7 Tips To Help You Navigate the Pre-Diagnosis Phase

It’s a tale as old as time - you’ve been experiencing symptoms for weeks, years, and doctors keep telling you “nothing is wrong.” They keep brushing it off as “just stress” or saying it’s “all in your head.” 

Been there DONE that. It seems like that’s, sadly, a common experience we all have. When I hear a client or Path to Empowered Acceptance member say “I got diagnosed with a couple weeks” or even “I got diagnosed within a couple months” I’m SHOCKED. How sad is that!?

It took me years of my ulcerative colitis being blamed on anxiety, stress, IBS, my past eating disorder, etc. to finally get my answer. I was “too young” for a colonoscopy, “making it up”... the list goes on and on and  on.

So I’m here to give you my tips for that uncomfortable, frustrating phase before you get the answers you deserve!

  1. Get second, third, fourth, fifth (!!!) opinions: I know how frustrating it can be to keep being met with “there’s nothing wrong” when you can clearly feel that there is most definitely something very wrong. HOLD ONTO THAT (you know your truth) and know you’re worthy of second, third, fourth, fifth (sixth, seventh… you get the picture) opinions. Go to more doctors, ask for more testing, don’t settle for “there’s nothing wrong.” Sure, doctors have the medical degree, but YOU live in your body every single day. 

  2. Remember that it’s okay to “fire” your doctor: With that, it’s SO okay if your doctor is no longer serving you and isn’t searching for the answers that you need. A mindset I tell my clients and PTEA members to keep is that they’re the “boss” who have “hired” the doctor. Which, if you think about it, is pretty true! You’re hiring your doctor to be a part of your care team, and if they aren’t helping you find answers… bye!! YOU are in charge here. It’s your body and your health. 

  3. Research the tests you want done: Go into your appointments with lists of possible diagnoses and tests you NEED done. So many doctors will try to refuse testing based on age or them perceiving a lack of need, but guess what? If you’re asking for a test, they should just give you the damn test!! Here are some common responses and how I would respond:

    1. “You’re too young to get this test” → “Age isn’t a factor in this disease, there are many people younger than me that have it. I’m asking for this test and don’t care if most people don’t need this test until they’re older.’

    2. “I don’t think you need that test” → “I know you don’t think I need it, but you aren’t in my body each day. I would like to get this test so I know for sure if I have X or not.”

    3. “I really think you’re just exaggerating your symptoms and don’t need that test.’ → “I don’t appreciate you diminishing my symptoms. It’s not your job as my doctor to decide if I’m making symptoms up, it’s your job to listen to me, your patient, and help me find answers.”

  4. Find a doctor of naturopathic medicine or functional medicine doctor: I’ll be honest, I have never found luck with a western medicine doctor actually caring as deeply as I need them to. In my experience I’ve found that naturopaths actually care and WANT to figure out what’s going on by digging deep, looking at my body + mind as a whole, giving me options, and truly listening. I get asked how to find a good naturopath and I think if you can get a recommendation from a friend or word of mouth is a GREAT option. If not, looking for larger naturopathic clinics with multiple doctors seems to be a better bet because they have multiple naturopaths that can help.

  5. Never gaslight yourself: Gaslighting is a type of emotional manipulation to make someone question their own memory. AKA doctors telling you your symptoms are “made up” or “all in your head.” After getting gaslit so often by medical professionals it’s SO easy to start gaslighting yourself. “Maybe I AM making this up.” “It’s really not that bad…” “I guess I am just crazy.” Stand strong in your truth  and do not discredit yourself. 

  6. Start working on your mindset now: By working on your mindset you will have more inner strength to keep fighting for answers. I teach my clients and PTEA members everything from the power of staying present, mindfulness and chronic illness, how to release toxic guilt, releasing the “what if’s” and so much more. Nourish that inner world so you can stand strong as you work towards the answers you deserve!

  7. Remember that you don’t need a label to seek community + support: Sometimes what you need most on this journey is a group of cheerleaders cheering you on reminding you that you’re worthy of answers. And you don’t need a labeled diagnosis to find these communities! Instagram has been an incredible place to connect with folks of all types of illnesses and undiagnosed symptoms. 

  8. Don’t. Give. Up: Lastly, keep pushing. Keep fighting. Keep searching for answers. Rest and take breaks as needed, but never think you’re never going to find the answers you need. Keep pushing.

And as always, if you’re struggling through this period of your chronic illness journey, never hesitate to reach out on Instagram. I’m always here to help. Xx